Who we are?

It is the vision of Lynda Gibson as author and creator of www.Cre8te.org to help every individual to unlock and Crack your Personal Creativity Code©, by developing deeper insights into how our own personal movement, sound and play, create our world – affecting and reflecting back what we create and manifest in our lives.


Cre8te.org is eternally grateful to all those Great Mindful Masters of yester-year who have shown us the Path to expanded Creativity Consciousness (or Creative Intelligence©).
Standing on the shoulders of giants, we look forward to greeting them on the horizons of our Imagineering in a New Age, as we go about creating a better future for ourselves personally and collectively.

As one of these great previous thinkers admonished us (Rudolph Steiner, 1918): “If we as humanity strive not, and cannot find the ‘inner truth’ of our experience on this planet, we will ultimately allow ourselves to become a massive mind control society.”
We know that we are thankfully on a path far beyond this prediction, as we begin to explore and expand our Creative Intelligence (CQ) in ways only dreamed of yesterday.



What we do?

www.Cre8te.org looks forward to joining you on this exploratory journey, to unpack, reveal and expand the Creativity and unique Creative Consciousness within each and every one of us.

Many of these great philosophers, thinkers and social commentators have recognised and valued two basic tenets: that all human-beings have a) the inner world, and b) the outer world. So the next question is a) how do we come into awareness of these two worlds within ourselves, and b) how do we begin to integrate them creatively, and c) develop a greater self sense of inner and outer awareness? www.Cre8te.org has been created to explore the journey of sound, movement and ultimate Creativity Consciousness (Creative Intelligence) that already resides within each of us. How do we begin to take these two worlds.. the inner and the outer, and knowing that they co-exist, learn to integrate them with greater wisdom and creative intelligence. We have a plethora of tools and techniques shared through our courses, workshops, retreats and we hope that you will take the opportunity to join us on this mind-bending journey to the greatest discovery ever – YOU!
“When I look inside and see that I am nothing, that is wisdom.
When I look outside and see that I am everything, that is love.” (Nisargadatta Maharaj)
“My creative consciousness moves between these two.” (Lynda Gibson)


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